Tuesday, January 21, 2020

French 1 Letter to parents

Français 1 CP 2019-2020
Bonjour et Bienvenue,

Your child has started a new chapter in French. Foreign language study provides many benefits for students in addition to the ability to communicate in another language. Students who study another language improve their first language skills. They become more aware of the world around them and they learn to appreciate diversity.

In Chapter 4, the students will be learning how to:
  • talk about their families
  • describe their homes and neighborhoods
  • tell what belongs to them and others
  • describe more people and things around them

You can help your child be successful in his or her study of French even if you are not familiar with the language. Here are a few suggestions to help you and your child practice the material in this chapter.
Help your child practice vocabulary for talking about family members by helping him or her create two different versions of your family tree. In the first version, label each family member as he or she relates to your child. IN the second version, label each family member as s/he relates to you. When you have completed both family trees, display them in such a way that your child can readily refer to them.
With your child, make a basic blueprint of your home. Then label each room and related exterior features there within in French. As an additional challenge, you may want to have your child write down basic items found in each room.
Feel free to plan other activities you think will help your child develop her/his language skills. Thank you for supporting our classroom work. Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss your child’s language education

Monsieur Rollinson
French Teacher

P.S. Enrollment for the Montreal / Quebec city trip in 2021 is currently underway, Enrollment guides are available and is open to students and their families who wish to attend. Space is filling up quickly and receive $200 off the total price of the trip if you enroll by March 15th, 2020.

French 1 Chapitre 4

Français 1 CP 2019-2020 Bonjour et Bienvenue, Your child has started a new chapter in French. Foreign language study provides many bene...