Thursday, March 15, 2018

French 1 Class Letter to Parents Chapter 6 Objectives La Nourriture et Les Courses

Dear Parents,
    Your child in French 1 has started a new Unit. We are in the 6th Chapter of the curriculum. French language learners has many benefits which include the ability to communicate in another language. Students who study another language improve their first language skills as well. They become more aware of the world around them and they learn to appreciate diversity.
     In Chapter 6, the students will be learning how to:

  1. Identify more food
  2. Shop for food
  3. Tell what they or others are doing
  4. Ask for the quantity they want
  5. Talk about what they or others don't have
  6. Tell what they or others are able to do or want to do
  7. Talk about French food-shopping customs
 You can help your child be successful in his/her study of French even if you are not familiar with the language. Here are some suggestions:

     As you prepare to do your weekly shopping, have your child write the grocery list fro your in French. There will likely be words that s/he does not know, so this is a great chance for the two of you to find out together how to say those words in French. If there are any items that do not have direct French equivalents, use French to English dictionaries or to figure out what the French substitute might be.

Feel free to plan other activities you think will help your child develop his/her language skills. THank your supporting our classroom work.


French 1 Chapitre 4

Français 1 CP 2019-2020 Bonjour et Bienvenue, Your child has started a new chapter in French. Foreign language study provides many bene...